W5 from Marius Herea Composer
Judy Schomper
Thank you Marius, Merry Christmas!
Marius Herea Composer
Thank you! Merry Christmas to you, Judy!
Marius Herea Composer
In facebook it is <3, here it is h between () brackets...
Judy Schomper
Marius Herea Composer
Great! You managed! this is F between ()...
Marius Herea Composer
(: and bz)
Marius Herea Composer
love ...and he comes and eat it the honey...
Judy Schomper
(f) ha ha
Marius Herea Composer
F capital...not small...haha..
Judy Schomper
ha ha
Marius Herea Composer
Wonderful!! You deserve a ...
Judy Schomper
and what is the smile?
Marius Herea Composer
The smile is : and )
Marius Herea Composer
The one eye is ; and )
Marius Herea Composer
The laugh is chuckle between ()
Judy Schomper
Marius Herea Composer
Did you see that? hahaha...this is just funny...when one disagree with someone...funny, isnt't it?
Marius Herea Composer
And sun between () is
Marius Herea Composer
The bee is :+ bz
Marius Herea Composer
is beer between ()
Marius Herea Composer
is ^ between ()
Judy Schomper
wonderful.. I have to sleep it is 3 o'clock (sleep)
Marius Herea Composer
Sleep well, Judy!!!
Marius Herea Composer
| + - + * = Sleep
Marius Herea Composer
| and - and * is
Marius Herea Composer
Sleep well, Judy, i am always happy to see you here!
Marius Herea Composer
Have a Merry Christmas and lot of fun!