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Alberto Giacometti with Samuel Beckett and tree for “Waiting for Godot”, 1961 (by Georges Pierre)
Anna Pavlova
Collezione di foto "Nudi,Cultura & Art"
umberto eco

umberto eco from iulia achimescu
Marius Herea Composer
Marius Herea Composer
Dragut! Cine e copilul?
Marius Herea Composer
Marius Herea Composer
Gata, am vazut. Humberto Eco
iulia achimescu
iulia achimescu
dragut, da` rau: ia uite ce gandea el despre noi: "there are four types: the cretin, the imbecile, the stupid and the mad. Normality is balanced mixture of all four. "
Irina Paras
Irina Paras
Care-i diferenta intre cretin, imbecil si prost?
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