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miez de floarea soarelui

miez de floarea soarelui from Irina Paras
Marius Herea Composer
Marius Herea Composer
Un Univers intreg e acolo..
iulia achimescu
iulia achimescu ca sa triviallizez nitel un chef nestavilit pentru niste seminte de floarea cornet..( cine a "prins"cornetele...face diferenta...)
Marius Herea Composer
Marius Herea Composer
Stiu, se vindeau prin trenuri si la colt de strada, pe la portile scolilor..
Alina Abraham
Alina Abraham
..the maths of Fibonacci series...inside... which is a maths law that came out of field practice... the author was trying to make sense of the rabbits rate of reproduction... a natural law the governs matter at all levels...
Alina Abraham
Alina Abraham
..the maths of Fibonacci series...inside... which is a maths law that came out of field practice... the author was trying to make sense of the rabbits rate of reproduction... a natural law the governs matter at all levels...
Alina Abraham
Alina Abraham
The Fibonacci sequence was the outcome of a mathematical problem about rabbit breeding that was posed in the Liber Abaci. The problem was this: Beginning with a single pair of rabbits (one male and one female), how many pairs of rabbits will be born in a year, assuming that every month each male and female rabbit gives birth to a new pair of rabbits, and the new pair of rabbits itself starts giving birth to additional pairs of rabbits after the first month of their birth?

Read more: Fibonacci Sequence - History - Month, Rabbits, Pairs, and System - JRank Articles
Alina Abraham
Alina Abraham
..inteleg ca Fibonacci series - seria numerelor 1,2,3,5,8,13,21, etc... se inscriu pe o spirala de crestere (check out my spiral... ) - care, la randul ei ar avea cercul inscriptibil in ea ca un caz particular...ceva foarte complicat pentru mine - dar exista o relatie de dubla determinare intre aceste forme never-the-less. ce desteapta e mama natura! si ce dragut din partea ei ca ne arunca forme frumoase pe pamant si nu formule matematice!... Natura e un bun profesor!
Alina Abraham
Alina Abraham
..da, face... pot cumpara seminte gata decojite la pachet, dar nu mai e la fel... must some miracle in the cornet...comes at the package with memories
Alina Abraham
Alina Abraham
..floarea soarelui evidentiaza proportiile matematice ale seriei lui Fibonacci.. acest om nu a fost un om de stiinta - ci un om care se indeletnicea cu cele ale gospodariei... astazi numim acest tip de rezultat 'practice led research'... aceste proportii se intalnesc si in muzica, sunt raporturi intervalice care numesc consonante si disonante melodice, si armonice. Pentru prima data Schenker (1935) a aratat ca acordul 'Major' este rezultatul armonicelor 1,2,3,5,8; l-a numit 'acordul naturii'... [am invitat cativa dintre fostii mei studenti pe acest site, asa ca acum vorbesc pe tonul de demult pe care il cunosteau ei. Ma bucur sa ii reintalnesc vorbesc de asemenea tuturor iubitorilor de muzica nevertheless].
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