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31 December 2012
31 December 2012
Our wedding day more years ago
31 December 2012
31 December 2012

01.2013 from Julia Zagoskina
Marius Herea Composer
Marius Herea Composer
They are all like paintings. Very interesting color! It gives the feeling of having been taken in another century..
Julia Zagoskina
Julia Zagoskina
Yes. In another time me and one of my friend-photographer want to do fotosession in red dress (what you like)) in old interiors. It must be very good. I hope we will can to do it.
Marius Herea Composer
Marius Herea Composer
I love that red dress! Please do the photosession in that dress!
Marius Herea Composer
Marius Herea Composer
But this white one is also very beautiful and elegant..
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