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Inside the exhibition -  In the past the religion rites were a good occasion to show refined fabric with original embroideries. Here a baptism veil with a fairy-tale decoration from 17th century.
nella nebbia
Santa Cruz - Santiago
Gustav Klimt Disegni Proibiti 4
Praia de Quebra Canela
belissimo e tradizionale
dove andiamo
notre dame 4
dolce far niente

dolce far niente from angelica antal
Marius Herea Composer
Marius Herea Composer
Concediu pe termen nelimitat...un lucru eclar: viata de pisoi nu e ca viata de caine...
angelica antal
angelica antal
Fotografia a fost facuta astazi in jurul orelor 17 in Insula Capraia(Livorno - Italia). Ce viata! Inca e in vacanza pisica noastra; mare, soare, odihna...
Marius Herea Composer
Marius Herea Composer
A evitat cafeaua de dimineata datatoare de insomnii...
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