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Cinema, the dreams out of time.To do this, Tarkovsky's best directors.He is a man's confidence somnambulist moves."Ingmar Bergman"

LostFile_JPG_16940840 from Gürkan Metin
dan mirica
dan mirica
will tell please what place is that?
Marius Herea Composer
Marius Herea Composer
Yes. Is this place in Turkey?
Gürkan Metin
Gürkan Metin
This place is a historic bathhouse in Afyon, Turkey.
Gürkan Metin
Gürkan Metin
Here, every year is an international festival of classical music and jazz.
Marius Herea Composer
Marius Herea Composer
Beautiful place! We were wondering where it was. Thanks!
Gürkan Metin
Gürkan Metin
In addition, the town of Afyon Dinar is the place that has the myth of Marsyas.
dan mirica
dan mirica
Thank Gurkan! I have seen Istanbul few times, it is a wonderfull city, I also like turkish culture and people, I like eniraki ( sorry for grammar mistakes) and the sand made cofee, hehe
Gürkan Metin
Gürkan Metin
Thanks Mirica.Really nice to know different people and cultures.I was surprised you love the yeniraki.Because pretty bitter drink.But when you're used to sweet start to come.In this respect, too, is an interesting drink) Best Regards!
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