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ChaTToir - Horea Pascu Cadis
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Horea Pascu CadisBiography


Basic Information

Birth date 1968 April 20
I am Male
Astrological sign Berbeco-Taur
About me: I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.
(Lily Tomlin)

I am Mormon
I am Widowed
I am Hysteric
I am Naive
I am Sedentary
I am able to Do nothing for months
I am afraid of Ridicule
I am fond of Human nature
I am proud of Others
I can't live without Books
I have A collection of postcards
I have Skills for datul cu stangul in dreptul
I have Phobia atitudini serpuitoare
I have Respect for oamenii de valoare
I have Admiration for zborul catre inaltimi
I believe that What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
The worst Death is Ignoranta
The worst Dictator was ...cel care ne-a fortat sa-l adulam...
To be o salcie plangatoare care sa-si renege destinul...
To do pietrele sa zambeasca...
To have aripi sa zbor... daca nu se poate, sa iau macar avionul...
To see adevarul in fata mea, mereu...
To change culoarea lumii...
I drink Water
I enjoy being creative
My intelligence is hiding
My memory is scary
Who is the personality from the past that you wish you met?
Immanuel Kant
Who is the public figure of today that you'd like to meet?
Evangelis Papathanassiou (Vangelis)
Who do you wish to be like?
Father Ralph de Bricassart (The Thorn Birds)
Who is, according to you, the most important personality nowadays?
Dalai Lama
Who is the most influential personality?
Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Who is your model?
motorul Diesel
What is, in your opinion, the most creative epoch in the history of a human kind?
The Age to come...

Others with a similar name

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